Villa Raino


Type : white wine
Grape : Fiano 100%
Appellation : Fiano di Avellino Docg – Dop

Alimata is the name of a place in the town of Montefredane, at 400 mts a.s.l. facing East. Marly soils, with a strong texture of clay, make the slope of the hill a perfect place to grow Fiano di Avellino. Grapes are pressed and fermented in stainless steel tanks, where the wine refi nes up to next spring. This is to preserve the body and elegance of the wines from this small area

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Type : white wine
Appellation : Campania Igt – Igp
Grape : Falanghina 100%

White wine from Falanghina grape 100%, from vineyards in the town of Torrecuso, close to Benevento. Wine making and refining in stainless steel tanks.

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Type : white wine
Appellation : Greco di Tufo Docg – Dop
Grape : Greco 100%

White wine from Greco grape 100%, from vineyards in the town of Montefusco, Santa Paolina, Petruro and Tufo in Irpinia. Wine making and refining in stainless steel tanks

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Type : white wine
Appellation : Fiano di Avellino Docg – Dop
Grape : Fiano 100%

White wine from Fiano grape 100%, from vineyards in the town of Candida, Montefredane, Lapio and San Michele di Serino in Irpinia. Wine making and refining in stainless steel tanks.

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Type : red wine
Appellation : Irpinia D.O.C.
Grape : Aglianico 100%

Red wine from Aglianico grape 100%, from vineyards in the town of Castelfranci, Bonito and Venticano in Irpinia. Refi- ning 50% in stainless steel tanks and 50% for six months in 2-3 year-old barriques

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Type : red wine
Appellation : Taurasi Docg – Dop
Grape : Aglianico 100%

Red wine from Aglianico grape 100%, from vineyards in the town of Castelfranci, in Irpinia at 550 mt a.s.l. Refining in oak wood of different sizes.

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